Okay, Publius here. Just to show you, I'll leave the sub-title thing that Maximus wrote up there. Just to show you what
I have to put up with these days. Well, Okay, April Fools. Big whoop. Actually, the reason I'm a bit frustrated is that
it's not even April Fool's anymore- I'm actually writing this 7 days afterwards.
As you might have noticed, I haven't been writing many articles lately. It's mostly Maximus. And I'll tell you why,
too. Lately, I've realized what a profit I could make off of workahol and I founded Workahol Incorporated, the world's leadest
producer of liquid workahol. Yeah, basically, it's a nap... in liquid form. Yeah. Awesome. That's what I said. So, I
created the website, workaholinc.tk , and the rest is history.
Now if you didn't realize yet, the above paragraph is total bullshit. There's no such thing as liquid workahol and never
will be. The product and the company are fake. So that takes care of anyone suing me thinking its real or anything. Yeah.
You'll be seeing a lot of developments in Workahol Incorporated's research facilities gracing these pages, however. Gotta
have my fun.
Now, I know this article was very lame, very short, and very... something else. But what am I supposed to do? I mean,
with an April Fool's title when it's not even April Fool's Day anymore... well, I just don't have much to go off of. True,
I could just declare a new title or something and screw that over. That sounds like a good idea. Okay, then I don't have
to end this. Today's new title is:
Waffles are goooood stuff. Especially with all that maple syrup and honey and jam and jelly and all the other good stuff
you can pour and slatter all over them, then cut 'em up and dig in. Well, I think it's a given that I'm quite hungry now...
Churros are also good. Though you don't really ever eat them except when you're at like Disneyland, and when you are
there, then they cost like $15 EACH.... ugh, I hate the Caps Lock button, can't write properly with it... well anyway, that's
pretty overpriced.
While on the topic of jumping from topic to topic, I really want to get an MP3 player. I was thinking about an Ipod...
I don't know if it's worth it, though. First of all, Creative's Zen Touch, though a bit bulky, DOES have a 24-hour battery
life... I like big numbers like that. The Zen Micro is owned by one of my friends, and I've only heard great things about
it, so I'll let that testify as to Creative's quality. That same friend (who has no Ipod-hating bias, he just wanted the
FM tuner and microphone and high-quality sound the Zen Micro offers) has a brother who owns an Ipod, and who is somewhat unsatisfied.
Now, I've used an Ipod, and I think the interface with the scroll wheel is awesome, but I'm not afraid to try a different
interface. It's not that I want to be of the "in" crowd or whatever, but the Ipod, from what people have told me,
seems to be the best value, even though others do say it has occasional hard drive problems that Apple seems reluctant to
fix. The majority of other 20GB players, which is the area I'm looking at, are either too crappy in some way, or very nice
but also very overpriced, like Sony's entry into the market(not the PSP, the mp3 walkman or whatever its called). Though
I have heard that the 5th generation Ipod is supposed to recieve a big battery life upgrade something that would very much
raise my desire for one. Though the lack of a microphone isn't that great, but I don't think I would use one too much anyway-
here's why.
Recently the guy you know as Maximus has been bringing this microphone recording thing to school. Whenever someone says
something funny, he'll dig in his poorly organized backpack for like a minute, then fish it out and come out with it, covered
in strange green fluff, and push it toward your face, expecting something funny again. Folks, you know that those funny moments
just can't happen twice. It just doesn't work. Heh, I'm sure you can expect something in the next article, which he'll probably
write, talking smack about me. Ah, well, whatever.
In conclusion, chocolate is really good. Subsequently, Wordnet dictionary defines "waffle" as "pancake
batter baked in a waffle iron" or "pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness; to hesitate, to waver."
To waver, indeed. Quite so, as frying pans often are the best form of attack. I'll upset your balance!