Workaholics Anonymous

Article #8: Oh, the hormones!
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Who Are We?

Ignore the hormonal raginess.

OK, so another Valentines Day with nobody to Valentine... how emo. Ugh. Seriously folks, I mean its not like I've never had a relationship like so many others, which there's nothing wrong with or anything, but it's so damn hard to start anything. It's so hard that it makes you wonder if its worth it.

But of course it is. Right? Yeah, we've all got differing ideas there, but relationships and all are usually a good thing. They're so much work to start though, that a workahol-dependant person is hard-pressed. Honestly, you want to talk to that one girl- but then, something happens. Maybe its that someone starts talking to her, and you don't want to interrupt, or another guy approaches her, or whatever, but when it comes to crap like this I just can't seem to bring myself to say the stuff I want to say. When it does come out, its all quiet and lame-sounding, so bad that I immediately wish I had just learned to shut up. Whuch of course just starts the cycle up again, and makes it progressively harder and harder to do, until you just want to cram yourself into a cow's third stomach.

Now, don't get me wrong, once something cool like that is started, you feel awesome. The world is at your mercy because you and that person are together and whatnot. But when something happens, make sure to figure out what it is, becuase if you sort of let it rot there, unknowing even what it is, you are pretttty screwed. Yup. I know, it seems like common sense, but when it comes time to ask what's going on, you realize that you wouldn't want to be remembered as having started the first fight. Oh, no, that would be horrendous. Even though that last statement was sarcastic (if you couldn't tell), it actually doesn't seem so at the time. Blah.

So the moral of this story is that they should stop Valentine's Day from happening until I can enjoy it. Until then, all you smug little suckers who laugh at me now will have to wait. Yup. Then I'll be happy. And girls, don't make it so damn hard to say things to you. Ugh. Even though I suppose it's my fault.... No! I didn't just say that. Shut up. Go away. I need some workahol to relax after this stressful day. Lest I need to repeat- shut up.


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*Disclaimer: No material on this page represents in any way any actual benefitial organization for struggling workaholics, who would do well to search for a different site. This site is solely for ranting purposes and should never be taken seriously.